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About Us

Mzawa Online Business is an online media that came up in 2022 with the aim of bridging the gap that exists between community, local authority and central government, the government in general is doing a lot but some of the majorities in our societies are not aware of it and this is due to the fact that most of the media have decided to cover the news from the central government only while leaving local levels uncovered in details. Therefore Mzawa Online is highly to cover the news in all angles of the government grounds.

Moreover, the international news coverage is more considered as the second angle to us

VISION: To Inspire and bringing communities closer to the government.

MISSION: We are intending to bring the communities close to the government through news, education and entertainment among other social activities that will bring government and community members under one umbrella and share ideas for the best of our nation and the world at large.

NEWS: National and international news is our core base in the process of delivering information to the communities. Right information helps to increase community awareness toward government goals and various issues that are within our community.

Delivering of right information brings communities closer to authority and this can help the communities to be aware of what their government is doing in order to improve their standards of living.

EDUCATION: Through various programs, Mzawa Online Business is in position to deliver education to the communities, education on different issues such as entrepreneurship, vaccination among other issues that needs intervention from different stakeholders are given more consideration in our programs.

We also deliver education on different activities that government intends to do and are doing within the community.

ENTERTAINMENT: On the side of entertainment our main intension is to make sure all generations in the communities are getting what they deserve in terms of entertainment.

All information concerns music and other entertainment stories have the chance to reach our communities and also to ensure all entertainment are within our norms. 


Mzawa Online Business is the registered online media dealing with providing all kinds of news around East Africa and the international scope. Mzawa Online Business quickly brings you all the news on politics, Sports, entertainment and educations. As the news group, we consider the following:-

vReporting the truth based on balanced news and providing equal opportunities to all parts.

vTo help correct misinformation to provide the truth on our followers.

vRefraining from religion, ethnicity or anything that can cause incitement.


>Everyone has the right to express his or her opinion.

>Mzawa Online Business has the freedom to delete unethical or abusive comments.

>Mzawa Online Business has the freedom to prevent the follower who violates the conditions from being able to see our information or from being able to post comments.

Editorial Policy Guidelines

Mzawa Online Business is highly ready to save the community with news across with timely bounded, accuracy and daily from all parts of the country and the world in general.
Our policy guidelines covered with criteria as such as: truth, balance, fairness, update and correct information

Truth: This is very important policy always to enable our readers to fully understand all the information and facts as well as all the contents, for instance when the journalist wants to publish the news in the social media or in online TV he/she makes sure the news are correct and very truthful in a society.

Balance: It is the situation in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions. In our case, journalist when reports the news of the story about something happened in a society he/she makes sure the story is balanced by asking the source to get the really truth information news.

Fairness: This is another policy that bases in equality of treating people equally in the society or in a way that is reasonable. For instance when the editor or journalist writes the news he/she makes sure the information of the story is fairly to both men and women when reports or broadcasts in an online TV

Update and correct information: This is the process of correcting news in consideration of truth and accuracy information. Correct information to us is the first priority in providing information to the public . Our information comes out in time to consider as we get from the source of information, by doing so the public satisfies as it is their right to get accurate and timely information.